FREE e-Courses

A goal setting E-course is a great to eat the goal setting elephant – one bite at a time! So if you haven’t got the time to sit down and work through this website or the Life Planning Program in one session, give one of these courses a go.

Each Course has 7 lessons and we will send you a new lesson every day for you to work through at your own pace, so you won’t be overwhelmed by all the information on this site. And we will refer you directly to the relevant pages of the website if you do need more information on a particular topic.

There are 3 courses available:

  • Goal Setting: Foundations and Keystones – this course helps you work through the foundations and keystones of the goal setting process by helping you understand what’s really important to you and how YOU influence your own goal setting destiny. This course is great for goal setting beginners!
  • Goal Setting: Making your Roadmap to success – this course is a natural progression from the Goal Setting Foundations E-Course and helps you turn these strong foundations into achievable goals through the effective and proven process of SMART goal setting and action planning.
  • Mini goal setting E-course – this is a shorter version of the above 2 courses rolled into one simple E-course. This course is great if you already have some goal setting experience under your belt and understand the basics of the goal setting process. The course refreshes the most important parts of the goal setting process, so you don’t lose your way.

Click on the above course titles for a detailed E-course outline.

Our sister also offers 2 FREE E-Courses on personal finance:

  • ”Healthy Finances” – the Healthy Finances E-Course helps you work through the foundations of good, solid personal finance by helping you understand the basics – budgeting, saving, debt management, investments and more.
  • ”The Belt Tightener”– we all need to reign in our expenditure from time to time and “The Belt Tightener” E-Course that steps you through over 100 ways to save money is just the tool to give you a helping hand.

So just pick the one that suits you the best – or do them both!

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