Your tombstone is a concise summary of your life – what you have achieved, and how people remember you. If you truly achieve your life-long dreams, then this inscription will be the verbalisation of it.
Consider the following inscriptions - do any of these or parts of them, appeal to you?
How do YOU want to be remembered?
Have a go at preparing your own tombstone inscription. Of course, if your tombstone is the concise summary of your life, your obituary is the unabridged version and will essentially be a list of what you achieved in life - in other words, the goals you’ve achieved.
So if you are really feeling inspired, draft up an obituary for yourself – this will help you work out what’s really important to you as it will reflect what you want to have achieved in your life.
Think about the following questions:
Know your 'Big-Picture' and use the visualisation of it to motivate you to success. So go on - take control of your tombstone inscription.
Read this article on success and happiness for more information…